AWS SAA C03 Cheatsheet

wdt_ID Num* Service Question Topic Question Answer
1 1,01 CF User authent.& AD User access: simplest payed, 14d S3. C)S3 bkt= CF origin & OAI with signed URL access: expiry= 14d.
2 1,02 Lambda IAM plcy Interpret IAM plcy: Lambda actions. C) can delete λ fct (Deny Lambda:Create&:DeleteFct, Res.:*, Cond.:IpAddress:
3 1,03 S3 object protect Privileged user access: prevent static S3 data loss. A)object MFA Delete, E)S3 bkt vers.
4 1,04 Glb Accelerator connect onprem Scalable, min config: onprem FW to ALB’s IP adr. C)glb Accelerator & ALBs in diff. regions, &onprem firewall`s rule: allow static IP adr.
5 1,05 DataSync migr f-sys Migr & sync: csv files 2 copies onprem & S3. A)DataSync onprem to replicate csv to onprem storage & S3 bkt.
6 1,06 EC2 AS monolith Slow response: 3 tier monolith app spikes. C)ASG scale web & app tiers horizontal & ALB.
7 1,07 R53 DR Cost-eff DR: RDS Oracle 2 regions, RPO=24h/ RTO=3h. D)R53 failover, &daily RDS snapshot to region2 & new insts: user data script for APIs.
8 1,08 EBS Encrypt replica Encrypt: all EBS snapshots. A)EBS default encrypt for region.
9 1,09 EC2 Inst Cost: migr licensed app, EC2 pricing option. A)Dedicated reserved hosts.
10 1,10 VPC IP access IP adr: space fault of VPC IPv6. B)IPv4 subnet with larger range & launch inst.
11 1,11 SQS msg Async svc msging: 2 parallel msgs/ 3 svcs. C)SNS topic filter for email orders/-cancel to 3 micro svcs via 3 SQS ques, 2 ques for email order/ cancel.
12 1,12 SQS request Resistent writes: unpredictable to DB. D)SQS FIFO receives writes & que draining (delete) when writes are polled to DB.
13 1,13 S3 LC cost & retention LC cost: S3 IA >30d, retrieve 5Min, old vrsn 1wk. B)current object LC 30d to Glacier, previous vers LC 1d to Deep Archive.
14 1,14 API GW static/dyn Ovhead: growth & peaks, static front & fast JSON DB. C)S3 static website,& app layer with API GW, λ-fct, & DynamoDB with user data.
15 1,15 KDS NR/T data process Remove NR/T sensi data: transaction moves to DocDB. C)KDS with Lambda remove sensi data & store in DynamoDB, others consume KDS directly.
16 1,16 VPC connect NAT Cost-eff connect: prv subnet NAT to internet & S3. C)S3 VPC GW endpt plcy & update route table for VPC endpt.
17 1,17 R53 deploy/test region Highest perf: R53 plcy & ALB 3 regions. A)R53 A record with latency plcy.
18 1,18 VPC ext. inst access Secure onprem: pub Linux bastion, prv subnet app insts. C)Bastion Sgrp: allow external IP range inbound, D)App inst Sgrp: allow bastion host inbound SSH prv IP adr.
19 1,19 S3 Encrypt rest&in-transit Encrypt: at rest & in-transit S3 log. A)client-side encrypt for S3 encrypt upload.
20 1,20 Redshift acc access Cost-eff share: Redshift cross-acc. C)share Redshift cluster snapshot with Sales acc & restore with shared ID.
21 1,21 Secrets Mgr Encrypt key & cred Creds & Ovhead: 14day rotation, Aurora. A)Secrets Mgr with new KMS key & 14d rotation.
22 1,22 Glb Accelerator UDP & TCP HA: glb UDP game. D)NLB regional distri &glb Accelerator routing to regional endpt.
23 1,23 VPC internet access Internet to ALB: HA prv insts order app, RDS. A)2 prv subnets: ASG & RDS Multi-AZ insts, E)ALB & 2 AZ: 2 pub subnets NAT GWs & 2 prv subnets.
24 1,24 Config Compliance Least ops remediate: detect IAM keys >90d. C)Config rule check key age,& EventBridge rule to λ fct remove key.
25 1,25 RDS DR DR RPO <1s: server fleet & RDS PostgreSQL. A)DB inst Multi-AZ deploy.
26 1,26 WAF DDoS & floods Ovhead: defend HTTP flood attacks on API requests. B)regional WAF & ACL rate-based rule for API GW stage.
27 1,27 Glue logging Fast aggr scan: log query S3/QuickSight. A)S3 with Glue ETL job to Redshift with aggr queries.
28 1,28 Org Org Most secure record: CT in Org accs. C)accs = OUs, & org root SCP: prevent users disabling CT.
29 1,29 ElastiCache Optim CPU util Slow table search: high RDS MySQL CPU util, 1AZ. B)ElastiCache Redis cache prod cat, &populate cache: lazy loading.
30 1,30 Cognito User authent.& AD User authent: app access on behalf. C)Default IAM role for authent. users, E)Cognito for user authent.
31 1,31 FSx onprem f-share Durable, HA data migr: multi Windows f-shares insts. C)f-share env to FSx Windows with Multi-AZ & migr to FSx Windows f-Server.
32 1,32 Config Cert ACM cert: notify before 30day expiry. B)Config rule checks cert 30d expiry, & non Comply EventBridge SNS custom alert.
33 1,33 R53 glb website/DNS HA migr, Ovhead: 2 DNS servers hosting 200 zones. A)200 new hosted zones & import zone files in R53 console.
34 1,34 Glb Accelerator HTTP/S Exploit protected, perf: static HTTP IP glb HA app. B)glb Accelerator with ALB linked WAF in each Region & EC2 insts.
35 1,35 EC2 AS Scale ASG Scaling: ALB, ASG sharp biz load rise, wk-end=0. D)track scaling on inst CPU util, E)ASG sched Scaling, wk-end min=max=desired= 0, wk-days default.
36 1,36 MQ HA AZ HA, Ovhead: RabbitMQ app1&2 to PostgreSQL same AZ. B)active/standby RabbitMQapp app1 inst,& app2 to RDS PostgreSQL inst, all Multi-AZ.
37 1,37 SSM moni RDP/ SSH access: env moni & notify. A)CW app insight creates SSM OpsItems if RDP or SSH access is detected.
38 1,38 DX migr large/ fast Continuous migr: secure, consistent 1mth 50TB. C)Snowball: initial transfer & ongoing DX connect.
39 1,39 WAF attacks Protect: ext. malicious IP adr on CF/ ALB & WAF. B)WAF with IP match condition & block malicious IP adr.
40 1,40 VPC subnet route Pub Sgrp to prv: app to MS SQL. A)pub app Sg: inbound to 443, C)MS SQL DB Sgrp for web-tier 1433 inbound.
41 1,41 EC2 IAM plcy interpret IAM plcy: EC2 users. C)terminate insts (Allow ec2:Terminateinsts; Res.:*) with user IP= in us-east-1.
42 1,42 CT Audit&Tag Auditable & synced: onprem expand to archive records. A)new & existing data hybrid DataSync to S3 bkt with object lock & CT data events.
43 1,43 DMS data lake Ovhead: cont. onprem Oracle to data lake. C)DMS to transfer data to S3, & Glue to transform data & integrate to S3 data lake.
44 1,44 GLB subnet route IP packets, Ovhead: FW to prv inst app & DB. D)inspection VPC with GLB endpt for incoming packets, forwarded to FW.
45 1,45 Quicksight user shared access Author mngmt access: visuals, S3 data lake & RDS. B)QuickSight analysis with data lake source & dashboard shared users & groups.
46 1,46 EBS storage IOPS Consistent IOPS: EBS with app access. C)General purpose SSD (gp3) EBS root vol & Prov IOPS SSD (io2) EBS vol.
47 1,47 Glue Stream R/T stream: transform to S3 SQL query. A)KDS streams, KDA transforms, KDF to S3/ Athena query, B)MSK & Glue transform to S3/ Athena query.
48 1,48 Storage GW LC cost & retention Expand onprem storage: low-latency SMB, LC manage cap. B)Storage GW with LC to S3 Deep Archive.
49 1,49 SQS REST Sequenced order: REST API GW & app. B)API GW integration & msg with app order to SQS FIFO que invoke fct.
50 1,50 DX connect onprem Min impact: internet growth, onprem backup to S3. B)DX connect with direct backup.
51 1,51 Macie Compliance Min dev remediation: auto PII, SFTP upload. B)Macie S3 objects-scan for PII, SNS notify to remove PII objects.
52 1,52 DX onprem Backup Cost-eff extend: onprem HA & low latency, no failing. A)DX connect to region & VPN connect as backup for DX fails.
53 1,53 CF glb website/DNS Expand: dyn US website to EU in few days. C)CF with a custom origin pointing to onprem servers.
54 1,54 S3 analytics Ovhead: analytics 2x S3 to λ fct & SageMaker. D)S3 bkt replicas; analysis bkt event to EventBridge/ ObjectCreated rule targets: Lambda, SageMaker Pipelines.
55 1,55 EC2 AS Scale ASG Cost-eff scale: slow on-demand app inst, PHP SW & MySQL. D)migr to Aurora MySQL DB inst, AMI with app in launch template & ASG Spot Fleet with ALB.
56 1,56 CW moni Perf moni: CPU util metrics >50%, disk IOPS. A)CW composite alarms where possible.
57 1,57 ECS Scale container Ovhead: migr container app, scale deployment, HA. A)Container images in ECR repo, ECS Fargate type to run containers & on demand AS target tracking.
58 1,58 Backup Backup Ovhead: 2nd region backup EC2 & RDS insts A)AWS Backup copies EC2 & RDS insts backups to separate region.
59 1,59 ECS HA AZ HA min intervention: ELB container app, relational DB. A)RDS inst Multi-AZ, D)ECS Fargate launch type to handle dyn app load.
60 1,60 ElastiCache session data Distri session storage: ALB, Multi-AZ ASG. A)ElastiCache to manage & store session data.
61 1,61 CostExplorer Billing Cost: mthly inst acc usage threshold. C)Cost budget for each acc with mthly insts scope & SNS threshold alert.
62 1,62 RDS DB query,reads RR: RDS MySQL. C)long-run transactions to complete for RR creation, E)auto- backups with retention period >0.
63 1,63 EC2 AS Optim CPU util Cost: AS 5 insts, CPU util <10%, freq surges to 65%. B)ASG target tracking av CPU util metric=50%, desired/min/max/ insts= 3/2/6.
64 1,64 ETranscoder f-convert/format Ovhead, perf: scaling mobile play raw S3 videos. A)CF for content, C)ETranscoder convert video files to appropriate formats.
65 1,65 SQS response Ops eff: min maint & 24h buffer, quote response app. C)SNS topic to multiple SQS ques, SNS msgs to selected SQS que on filter quote, SQS que with server.
66 2,01 Storage GW onprem f-share Cost-eff expand: onprem to immediate retrieve storage. B)Storage GW cached vols to S3 bkt, copy local data subsets.
67 2,02 EC2 Inst Cost-eff insts: critical, vary day/night load. A)Spot Fleet.
68 2,03 WAF DDoS & floods Cost: mitigate DDoS assault, ALB ASG app insts. A)WAF ACL rate-based, &CF distri with WAF ACL &CF to ALB.
69 2,04 VPC subnet route VPC ACL: web inst port 443. A)Sgrp source to TCP 443, E)ACL inbound TCP 443 & outbound TCP 32768-65535 to
70 2,05 CF Transfer cost Transfer costs, no changes: CF & single-use txt file. A)Lambda@Edge compress user files.
71 2,06 IAM acc access Most secure access: 3rd party acc. C)cross-acc IAM role w external ID.
72 2,07 API GW user shared access Cost, HA: user's fast, sporadic S3 upload ML models. C)1 model per API GW path-based routing to λ-fcts.
73 2,08 Snowball migr large/ fast Onprem audits: quarterly low-bandwidth 60TB export. D)Snowball: export job request, then deploy Snowball device onprem.
74 2,09 R53 DR DR region downtime: ELB app insts, DynamoDB. D)DR region: ASG & ELB, DynamoDB glb table; DR: CW alarm to λ fct update R53 to new ELB.
75 2,10 API GW REST Ops eff: modernize dropped migr RESTful transaction. A)app layer= API GW to λ fct, & comm layer= SQS.
76 2,11 ElastiCache NR/T data process NR/T scoreboard: 3-tier VPC & RDS MySQL. B)ElastiCache Redis cluster: compute & cache score to display.
77 2,12 ECS HA AZ HA: rolling ECS update, min 100 requests/s. D)3 AZs with each 2 tasks.
78 2,13 CF HTTP/S Secure app: HTTP/S CF, restrict app’s access. C)CF field-level encrypt.
79 2,14 Aurora DB query,reads Connect: 3 of 6 special Aurora replicas. A)workload with custom endpt.
80 2,15 S3 IAM plcy interpret IAM plcy: MFA net effect D)MFA required for object to bkt (Deny s3:PutObject, Res.:*, Condition:BoolIfExists:{MFAPresent:false})
81 2,16 ECS Scale container AS: ECS insts & CW alarm. C)ECS scale out svc CPU util or high cluster memory reservation.
82 2,17 API GW monolith HA scaled, ms API: convert monolithic app. B)API GW & edge-optimized API endpt, Lambda, DynamoDB.
83 2,18 RDS Encrypt rest&in-transit Author view: existing RDS data. D)RDS encrypt. with customer mngd KMS key.
84 2,19 FSx User authent.& AD Author download: onprem Windows f-server. B)migr FSx onprem AD & Client VPN.
85 2,20 DX connect onprem Secure connect VPC: HA, max resil. 2x 500miles centers. C)2DX for each 1st & 2nd data center & terminate at 2DX locations on 2 devices.
86 2,21 SQS static/dyn sharp requests: dyn API & 3 workers, static S3. D)CF origin S3 static content, & API requests to SQS for later EC2 processing.
87 2,22 Org object protect prv S3 object in acc's bkt D)S3 Block Public Access, & SCP to prevent IAM users setting changes.
88 2,23 AD User authent.& AD User permsn & Ovhead: job role sec access. A)SSO deploy for onprem AD connect with central users & perm.
89 2,24 DMS migr app & DB Migr least costs: daily 3GB SQL query app. D)DMS replication of onprem DB to Redshift cluster with query.
90 2,25 ALB logging Most ops eff: visibility ALB abnormal accessing. B)ALB access logging to S3 with Athena table querying logs.
91 2,26 CF Storage Strong consistent storage: freq shared ASG app. B)Mount EFS f-sys on individ. insts, E)CF to S3 storage & Cache-Control header to no-cache.
92 2,27 GuardDuty attacks Thread detect: respond via VPC-ALB WAF. A)GuardDuty threat detection & WAF rules adjust by λ fct, invoked fromh EventBridge findings filter.
93 2,28 VPC connect Cost: photo transfer app, same S3 region. D)S3 VPC GW endpt to VPC & attach S3 bkt access plcy.
94 2,29 VPC internet access Prv route to pub subnet: medical S3 records, app insts. C)insts to prv subnets & S3 VPC endpt to route table for prv subnets.
95 2,30 Network FW ext. inst access Approved repo access: VPC prv inst. A)Route table for prv subnet outbound to Network FW & domain list rule grps.
96 2,31 S3 Encrypt rest&in-transit Encrypt & Ovhead: S3 multi-region. B)customer mngd multi-region KMS client-side encrypt key & replication between bkts each region.
97 2,32 S3 Encrypt key & cred Encrypt & Ovhead: : S3 bkt, yearly auto-rotate. B)KMS customer mngd, auto rotated key & default encrypt behavior to S3 bkt.
98 2,33 EB deploy/test region Fast auto-deploy: validated infra, ASG-2AZ, ALB & RDS. D)EB to use prototype infra ref to auto- deploy new envs in 2 AZs.
99 2,34 Aurora Backup Recover MySQL: mysqldump, snapshot for Aurora MySQL. A)RDS snapshot to recreate Aurora cluster, C)dump to S3 to recreate Aurora cluster.
100 2,35 ElastiCache session data Durable session store: ALB app insts, & RDS Maria. B)DynamoDB store session info, D)ElastiCache Redis with session info.
101 2,36 S3 LC cost & retention Cost: HA S3 bkt multipart, IA & inconsist >30d. A)LC 30d to Intelligent-Tiering, B)S3 LC plcy: clean up incomplete multipart uploads.
102 2,37 Pinpoint msg msg retain 1y: confirm & store SMS mobile app. B)Pinpoint journey to send events to KDS for analysis & archiving.
103 2,38 ACM Cert CA SSL/TLS cert: pub ALB app, yearly extern rotate. D)ACM import SSL/TLS cert to ALB with EventBridge expiry notify for man rotation.
104 2,39 Polly f-convert/format Ovhead: audio of product names, abbrvs in manual. A)Polly custom lexicons for prod names & abbrevs, & StartSpeechSynthesisTask API ops for prod manual.
105 2,40 Athena data lake Ovhead: column-level LFN to S3 data lake. D)LFN blueprint to S3 data lake with column-level control QuickSight, & Athena source to QuickSight.
106 2,41 EBS Failover Slow test cloning: high test I/O EBS, same region. D)EBS fast prod snapshot restore to test inst EBS vols.
107 2,42 SSM inst Fast patch: 3rd party SW on EC2 Linux insts. B)SSM Patch Manager.
108 2,43 S3 LC cost & retention Storage access: freq <1y, after 9y archive max. resil. C)S3 LC >1y Standard to Glacier Deep Archive & Object Lock in compl mode for 10y.
109 2,44 KDS Stream Streams, Ovhead: ingest to API transform & store. C)API GW API to KDS as source to KDF stream with λ fcts transform & S3.
110 2,45 EC2 Encrypt key & cred Secure share AMI: MSP acc custom mngd KMS key. B)AMI’s launchPermission to share with Partner's acc & key plcy allow key usage by Partner's acc.
111 2,46 EC2 AS Decouple Decouple: stateless, job scaled app, durable storage. C)SQS que holding jobs, ASG with app AMI launch template & scaling on SQS que items.
112 2,47 Glue analytics Reprocess old XML: Glue ETL job to S3. A)job to use job bookmarks.
113 2,48 Lambda data process Scaling: growth, vary storage app, DynamoDB metadata. C)Lambda to process, store photos in S3 & metadata in DynamoDB.
114 2,49 Glb Accelerator glb website/DNS Expand: 2nd US region, NLB apps, US&EU clients. B)standard glb Accelerator endpt groups us-west-2/ eu-west-1 & NLB endpts.
115 2,50 EC2 storage IOPS Max I/O perf: 10TB media storage, & 900TB archive. D)max perf EC2 inst store, S3 durable storage, Glacier archive.
116 2,51 EKS Inst node Cost, Ovhead: container app tolerating disruptions. B)Spot insts in EKS managed node group.
117 2,52 S3 Compliance Comply no modify/ delete: >1y S3 of med. Trial. B)S3 Object Lock compliance mode with retention= 365d.
118 2,53 EC2 Inst Cost, no downtime: process vary SQS msgs. D)Reserved/ On-demand insts for baseline/ additional load.
119 2,54 EC2 HA AZ HA, no changes: single AZ app insts. B)ASG with 3 insts across each of 2 AZ in 1 region.
120 2,55 DynamoDB static/dyn HA & fast read/write scale: website min maint & patching. A)CF distri for S3 static content, & dyn API GW endpt, Lambda & on-demand DynamoDB table.
121 2,56 EB migr app & DB Migr HA, min dev: MS .NET app. E)DMS migr Oracle to RDS Multi-AZ, B)EB .NET platform rehost app with Multi-AZ deploy.
122 2,57 SQS request Prevent request loss: API GW, λ fct to limited DynamoDB. D)SQS que with Lambda buffering writes to DynamoDB.
123 2,58 Glb Accelerator moni Glb low latency: health moni regional ALB apps. A)glb Accelerator with ALB as endpt,& port listener with regional endpt.
124 2,59 Macie analytic query Latency: high-traffic protected data query. B)DynamoDB employee data hyrarchies, mthly to S3, E)Macie for acc, integrate Macie & EventBridge mthly SNS.
125 2,60 FSx Storage Process lab multi Linux insts: sub-mil & 6GB/s. B)FSx Lustre SSD, raw data S3 import/ export, mount to insts.
126 2,61 TA Billing Cost: 90d on-demand RDS Oracle, TA checks. A)TA recos from RDS insts acc, D)Review the TA check for RDS Idle DB Insts.
127 2,62 Aurora DB query,reads Latency, min changes: RDS RR peak consistency. A)Migr DB to Aurora MySQL & replace MySQL RR with Aurora RR AS.
128 2,63 EC2 AS Optim CPU util Ovhead: AS 30Min start/ batch, CPU util vary, base60%. C)ASG predictive scaling plcy CPU-util=60%, insts pre-launch 30Min before job run.
129 2,64 Glb Accelerator UDP & TCP HA & perf: 53 to onprem UDP app. A) glb Accelerator & 3regional NLB onprem endpts, CNAME access: accelerator DNS.
130 2,65 Snowball migr large/ fast Cost migr: NAS encrypt 600TB/2wk, pub upload 100 MB/s. C)several Snowball Edge Storage Optimized devices to S3.
131 3,01 StepFct up/download Cost: vary, spiky S3 media upload, DynamoDB metadata. B)Trigger StepFcts when object is stored in S3 bkt, StepFcts process object & write metadata to DynamoDB table.
132 3,02 CT logging Access: log S3 records & its changes. C)CT trail on S3 report bkt with event logs to new bkt & validation.
133 3,03 FSx onprem Backup Fault-tolerant backup: Windows home Dir & AD access. B)Multi-AZ to FSx Windows joins AD.
134 3,04 Lambda IAM plcy IAM plcy: EventBridge permsn invoke λ fct. D)res.-based plcy as fct action 'Lambda:InvokeFunction' & principal=
135 3,05 SQS monolith Fail >4 msg attempts: monolith deletes SQS msgs. B)SQS dead-letter: msg 4 times to dead-letter.
136 3,06 EFS LC cost & retention Cost storage: NAS LC, VPC infreq sync data. D)EFS in VPC & LC after appropriate days to IA.
137 3,07 SQS acc access Access w/o permsn: User to SQS acc. C)SQS access plcy for cross acc.
138 3,08 KDA Decouple Decouple w/o data loss: NR/T analysis on inst fleet. B)KDS captures website data for KDA query & KDF to persist data on S3.
139 3,09 Transit GW connect onprem Slow VPN throughput: onprem to AWS. B)Transit GW: equal cost multipath routing & VPN tunnels.
140 3,10 ALB HTTP/S No coding: NLB ignoring HTTP errors. C)Replace NLB with ALB & HTTP health checks URL, AS replace unhealthy.
141 3,11 ECS Scale container Scale HA: cont. growth container min 3 insts app. A)ECS Fargate desired task = 3 in a cluster with app task definitions.
142 3,12 S3 object protect Secure pub access: static S3. B)S3 bkt vers & Object Lock retention,& pub static website bkt with read-only.
143 3,13 EFS migr f-sys Doc store cost: HA, shared migr 7TB f-sys. D)EFS-IA, mounted to ASG insts.
144 3,14 EC2 AS data process Occasional high, slow orders: inst app, Aurora. B)SQS que orders, ALB & ASG target tracking plcy on SQS que length metrics.
145 3,15 RDS Encrypt rest&in-transit Encrypt in-transit: all RDS MySQL inst. D)Download AWS root certs for all connections to RDS inst.
146 3,16 EFS Storage Persistent share, Ovhead: storage & EKS Fargate. B)Register EFS f-sys in EKS storage class object with same f-sys for all containers.
147 3,17 CFN Failover Failover: S3 & app to 2nd region D)CFN app & S3 bkt parameter for S3 CRR; DR with CFN template deploy & local S3 bkt=parameter.
148 3,18 EC2 Inst Cost: predictable daily/ weekly load, HA app insts. B)Reserved/ Spot insts for baseline/ additional load.
149 3,19 VPC IP access Secure access: app & RDS inst, glb dyn IP adr. A) to Web server Sgrp inbound 443, & DB inst Sgrp for inbound 3306 from web servers Sg.
150 3,20 Transfer data lake Ovhead, HA: transfer SFTP to S3 data lake. A)Transfer Family with SFTP-enabled server, pub endpt & S3 data lake= destination.
151 3,21 DynamoDB Backup Min coding, same availability: Backup DynamoDB. B)DynamoDB export to S3 bkt with cont. backups & table PITR recovery.
152 3,22 CW moni Perf, ops eff: app traffic stateful M5 inst tasks. D)Modify CFN templates, replace with R5 EC2 inst, & plan inst cap with CW agent custom metrics.
153 3,23 SSM ext. inst access Remote access, Ovhead: repeatable inst & admin. B)IAM role to each inst,& SSM session manager for remote SSH session.
154 3,24 EC2 AS HA AZ HA scalable: single CMS & DB inst. C)Aurora with diff AZ RR, ALB ASG inst AMI across 2 AZs.
155 3,25 Aurora migr app & DB Migr continuous: AS MySQL transaction. C)Cont. DMS migr to Aurora with AS.
156 3,26 NLB UDP & TCP Fast failover: regional UDP devices. B)Glb accelerator with region NLB = endpt, &NLB target = cluster svc of ECS Fargate type.
157 3,27 Athena analytic query Ovhead, changes: simple on-demand query S3 logs. C)Athena directly with S3 to run queries as needed.
158 3,28 CW user shared access Least priviledge access: to CW dashboard. A)Share CW dashboard with prod manager's email adr & shareable link to prod manager.
159 3,29 CF IP access Restrict access: IP range on CF static S3 bkt. A)S3 bkt= CF origin & OAI read perm, B)WAF web ACL on CF distri with EC2 Sgrp IP restrict.
160 3,30 EC2 Transfer cost Transfer cost: batched insts to 2x S3. C)all insts in same AZ.
161 3,31 API GW Cert HTTPS cert: 3rd party, regional API GW. C)R53 to company DN & API GW endpt & attached ACM pub cert same region.
162 3,32 S3 f-convert/format Cost: scalable 5MB pdf to jpg convert. A)pdf to S3 with PUT event invoke λ fct to convert to jpg & store S3.
163 3,33 S3 Encrypt replica Encrypt & Ovhead: replica, serverless S3 analytics. A)New S3 bkt with CRR to other region S3 bkt, multi-Region SSE-KMS & Athena query.
164 3,34 PrvLink connect onprem Prv connect: ext provider VPC to spec VPC svc. D)PrvL connect to target svc VPC endpt.
165 3,35 Org Org Avoid missed emails: root Org notifies. D)same root user email adr for existing & new accs to alternate contacts in Org's console or programmatically.
166 3,36 CF static/dyn Glb latency: news via static/dyn ALB HTTPS & API inst. A)1region app stack & CF for static/dyn content with ALB origin.
167 3,37 CF Stream R/T streams: glb VOD svcs. A)CF
168 3,38 Glb Accelerator Failover Auto-failover: VoIP/UDP to ASG region. A)NLB & associated target group with ASG & NLB as glb Accelerator endpt in each region.
169 3,39 API GW response AS: elastic tax compute, holiday season. B)API GW REST API passes item names to Lambda tax computations.
170 3,40 DynamoDB request Read delays, no reconfig: DynamoDB metadata. B)DAX.
171 3,41 EB deploy/test region Ovhead, HA: Java & PHP app in test env. B)2 EB test env with apps,& URL swap between multiple EB test envs.
172 3,42 RDS DB query,reads Timeouts: no interruption, 1-time RDS MySQL query. A)Reporting queries to RR.
173 3,43 VPC connect Cost: ElastiCache, VPC EC2 insts same region. A)VPC peering route tables, ElastiCache cluster’s Sgrp inbound rule allow app’s Sg.
174 3,44 CF glb website/DNS Glb perf w/o changes: multiling. website fleet, 1 region. B)ALB= CF origin, & Header cache behavior: only cache on Accept-Language request header.
175 3,45 Storage GW DR DR least latency & change: iSCSI device. D)Storage GW local vol copy, sched snapshots DR restore to inst EBS vol.
176 3,46 NLB NR/T data process R/T store NoSQL scores ASG spikes B)NLB distribution & DynamoDB on-demand.
177 3,47 SES msg Ovhead: traffic rise, email svc on insts app & DB. B)config the web inst to send email through SES.
178 3,48 FSx Storage Migr HP storage: hot & economic cold tiers. A)S3 bkt: cold data storage, D)FSx Lustre: HP parallel hot storage.
179 3,49 PrvLink connect NAT Cost: NAT GW requests. A)VPC peering 2 VPC, &prv adr with API access, D)PrivateLink: API& client VPC, &PrivateLink adr: API access.
180 3,50 AD User authent.& AD SSO onprem: mngd MS AD to Org accs. B)SSO with 2-way forest or domain trust to connect self-managed MS AD with Dir svc.
181 3,51 EC2 Inst node Lowest latency: inst node, NR/T stream. A)enhanced networking (ENA) for each inst, C)cluster placement group.
182 3,52 CFN Org Migr VPC Org: app's department Org, CFN stacks. C)Change sets before updating CFN stacks, E)CFN cross-stack ref.
183 3,53 Shield DDoS & floods HA infra, no downtime: DDoS, Windows inst. A)Shield Advanced to stop DDoS attack, C)website to CF for static & dyn content.
184 3,54 EventBridge REST Extract app: REST API statistic, email report distri. D)EventBridge sched. event invokes λ fct query, E)app to S3 with event to SNS topic email.
185 3,55 Textract f-extract Ops eff, max scaled: etract med docs. E)Upload invokes λ fct, Textract converts to raw txt, Comprehend Medics extracts, B)S3 bkt & Athena query.
186 3,56 S3 Encrypt key & cred Encrypt & Ovhead: : 5y storage, yearly key vrsn rotate. B)docs to S3 with Object Lock compl. mode, D)SSE-KMS with customer mngd KMS key rotation.
187 3,57 SQS data process Connect issues: SNS topic ingest & λ fct B)SQS que & subscribe to SNS topic, E)modify λ fct to read from SQS que.
188 3,58 R53 Compliance Nonviolating & individual: country distri rights. C)R53 geolocation plcy.
189 3,59 Snowball migr large/ fast Migr: 750TB, limited 1MB/s to S3 Glacier. D)Snowball Edge optim devices to destination= S3 bkt with LC to S3 Glacier.
190 3,60 EBS storage IOPS Persistent DB: host 64k IOPS on single EBS vol. B)Nitro-based inst with EBS provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) with 64k IOPS.
191 3,61 CloudHSM Audit&Tag CT independend: audit key integration to clean mat. B)CloudHSM: LC/ audit & KMS.
192 3,62 Storage GW LC cost & retention Cost, low ops: onprem to AWS 7y IA tape backup. D)Deep Archive LC via standard S3 to move backup to S3 Glacier.
193 3,63 EC2 AS Optim CPU util Low CPU util: same fault tolerance. D)new launch config: smaller inst types & update ASG.
194 3,64 S3 analytics Cost-eff failover: ms analytics, JSON retrieve >30d. C)S3 Standard.
195 3,65 WAF attacks Min user impact: block high rate bad IP adrs. B)ALB & WAF rate-limiting rule.
196 4,01 Lambda data process Ovhead, max scalability: Python app & JSON to SQL. B)λ fct to run Python process of JSON in S3, results to Aurora DB.
197 4,02 FSx migr f-sys Persistent onprem copies: HPC Linux f-sys, Spot insts. A)FSx for Lustre, S3 integrated.
198 4,03 SQS msg Ops eff msging: app intercomm >2d failed buffer. C)SQS que & dead-letter que for failed msgs.
199 4,04 FSx migr f-sys Migr & share: HA Windows app to shared f-sys. B)FSx Windows f-server & mount each FSx f-sys to each Windows inst.
200 4,05 DMS data lake Ovhead: cont. onprem Oracle to data lake. C)DMS to transfer data to S3, & Glue to transform data & integrate to S3 data lake.
201 4,06 DX connect Cost: DX egress query, data warehouse, noncache webpage. D)visual tool in data warehouse region via DX in same region.
202 4,07 EC2 AS Scale ASG Low cost dev: env ALB & ASG min 2 app insts. D)Reduce max insts in dev env’s ASG.
203 4,08 Glue f-convert/format Ovhead: convert 1GB csv to Parquet in S3. D)S3 PUT event to λ fct invoke Glue ETL job.
204 4,09 CF static/dyn Sharp rise: API static S3/dyn 3-tier ALB app insts. D)CF static content,& website requests to SQS que for EC2 insts.
205 4,10 R53 Failover Ovhead, min changes: failover error page R53 ALB. B)R53 active-passive failover to S3 error page, R53 health checks ALB endpt.
206 4,11 Aurora DB query,reads Write delays: Aurora Multi-AZ on DB reads rise & I/O. C)app with appropriate Aurora RR endpt.
207 4,12 RDS DB query,reads HA & ACID: SQL queries & analytics. C)fully managed RDS MySQL with Multi-AZ.
208 4,13 KMS Encrypt key & cred Encrypt auto-rotated key: native SW EBS & S3. B)KMS with CMK to store master key material to rotate keys.
209 4,14 EC2 Storage Fastest temp. storage: EC2 multi-stage file storage. D)Multi inst store vols with sw RAID 0.
210 4,15 RDS Compliance Backup retention: 90d Aurora. B)Config RDS to copy auto- snapshots to a user-managed S3 bkt with 90LC.
211 4,16 EMR analytics Big data: SQL query & BI access. B)EMR data process to Redshift.
212 4,17 KMS Audit&Tag Auditor share: RDS DB. D)DB encrypt. snapshot & share with KMS key access.
213 4,18 SQS data process Multi target sys: single RDS car listing. D)RDS event subscribed to SNS fan out for multi SQS ques with λ fct update target.
214 4,19 Storage GW onprem Backup Secure automation & maint: local access onprem vol backup. D)Storage GW vol to sw & map onprem, local mount & access vols.
215 4,20 VPC internet access Ovhead, max secure: pub prices to ALB & prv MySQL. B)NAT GW in pub & prv subnet route table: internet-bound to NAT GW.
216 4,21 ECS Optim CPU util CPU util & cost: ECS-Fargate. D)AS target tracking on ECS metric with CW alarm.
217 4,22 Storage GW onprem f-share Durable NFS, low-latency: onprem to AWS storage. A)app data Storage GW to S3, onprem app servers to file GW using NFS.
218 4,23 EC2 Inst Cost: too many licensed vCPU cores. B) config CPU cores & threads on selected inst during inst launch.
219 4,24 CF HTTP/S Secure low latency: HTTPS near edge, 3-tiers HA. C)HTTPS content via pub ALB as CF origin with redundant insts in prv subnet.
220 4,25 PrvLink connect onprem Prv VPN: onprem to ECS prv IP env. B)1 VPC NLB & PrivateLink endpt to ECS.
221 4,26 NLB Encrypt rest&in-transit Secure transit: NLB to 3-tier app. A)TLS listener & NLB server cert.
222 4,27 ElastiCache request Improve w/o scaling: slow game, sub-ms RDS metadata. C)ElastiCache for Redis layer in front DB.
223 4,28 NLB UDP & TCP Low latency: 3mil requests/s & TCP endpt. A)app's pub TCP port access to NLB.
224 4,29 VPC internet access Secure connect: internet pay svc to VPC. B)pay requests to NAT GW in pub subnet, &app servers in prv subnet.
225 4,30 Org Org Least Ovhead access: Org mngmt acc to S3. A)S3 bkt plcy: aws:PrincipalOrgID glb key with org ID ref.
226 4,31 VPC subnet route Most secure prv: prv λ fct to prv DB. B)λ fct in Sg1 with access DB's Sg2.
227 4,32 KDS Stream Interrupted streams: KDS to S3. A)Change KDS 24h default retention period.
228 4,33 SQS Storage Safe storage: during Aurora updates. D)SQS FIFO to new λ fct polling que to Aurora.
229 4,34 CF up/download Cost: S3 pre-signed US&EU download. B)direct customer requests & signed URLs to CF & existing S3 bkt as origin.
230 4,35 API GW data process Ovhead: hourly HTTP sensor request, mngd DB. A)API GW & λ fct: sensor data, process to DynamoDB.
231 4,36 RDS migr large/ fast No perf issues: freq high onprem writes to migr MySQL. A)RDS MySQL inst with prov. IOPS SSD, CW monitors write ops metrics to adjust prov. IOPS if necessary.
232 4,37 EB user shared access HA share, least changes: S3 images & 3-tier RDS MySQL. D)EB load-balanced Multi-AZ envs for front-end & app layer, RDS Multi-AZ DB inst, serve S3 images.
233 4,38 EC2 Inst node Lowest latency: inst node, NR/T stream. B)spread placement group, C)Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) to each inst.
234 4,39 EC2 IAM plcy IAM plcy: Access Denied on EC2 administrator IAM role. D)terminate from wrong IP (Deny ec2:Terminateinst, Res.:*) Cond.: Not IP:,
235 4,40 S3 logging Ovhead: aggr 3x S3 VPC flow logs in Mngmt acc. A)VPC flow logs to S3 bkts SRR to central S3 bkt & allow other acc's S3 objects.
236 4,41 CW moni Ident users: CW on prv API GW & λ fct app. A)Config CW Lambda Insights & examine network usage graph with dashboard multi-fct view.
237 4,42 Fargate static/dyn Changes: availability static/dyn insts, MySQL. C)ALB: S3 static content, & dyn Fargate for app/web server & migr DB to Aurora serverless.
238 4,43 DynamoDB DB query,reads Glb fast & consist.: central table for regional ticket <1s. A)DynamoDB glb table for center reservation table, & correct endpt with read/ write each region.
239 4,44 EC2 Transfer cost Transaction cost: latency-sensi apps throughput. A)insts in same region & AZ, &clustre placement group.
240 4,45 Textract f-extract Ovhead: API GW & λ fct PHI ident. PDF/JPEG. C)Textract extracts report txt & Comprehend Medical identifies PHI from extracted txt.
241 4,46 Amplify monolith Ovhead, no code change: split monolith for scalability. B)Amplify hosts monolith (fullstack) app, & connect it to API GW with Lambda.
242 4,47 Backup Compliance Least ops retention: 7y DynamoDB. B)AWS Backup sched & retention plcys for table.
243 4,48 Backup Backup Consistent backup: daily & restorable RDS >2y. A)RDS DB insts with AWS Backup vault & plan on daily schedule & 2y expiry.
244 4,49 Lambda user shared access Irreg. access: async ML model API, max 1GB S3 data. C)API to SQS que & invoke event deploys model as λ fct, SQS que size based AS to increase λ fct’s vCPU.
245 4,50 CF static/dyn Latency: dyn content R53 DN, ALB app, static S3. A)R53 for CF distri to origins: S3 bkt & ALB.
246 4,51 SQS Decouple Min config scaling: API GW, λ fct app & Aurora. D)SQS que integrates 2 λ fcts: fct1 receive info, fct2 load to DB.
247 4,52 S3 LC cost & retention S3 LC cost: random & fast retrieval <1y & IA >1y B)S3 Intelligent-Tiering LC >1y to Glacier Flex Retrieval, query & retrieve: Athena/Int.-Tiering, & Glacier select.
248 4,53 Aurora HA AZ HA, min down/loss: ASG inst, 1Aurora PostgreSQL/ 1AZ. B)ASG multiple AZ with Multi-AZ DB & RDS Proxy inst.
249 4,54 RDS DR DR, Ovhead: OS access, latest Oracle versn. A)migr Oracle to EC2 inst & set up DB replication to diff region.
250 4,55 Lambda Inst Cost: daily 12h 3-tier app & RDS MySQL. D)λ fcts to start & stop DB inst with EventBridge sched rule to invoke λ fcts event target.
251 4,56 Cognito User authent.& AD Author restrict & cost: glb fastest serverless app. A)Cognito authent & Lambda@Edge for authorization with CF web app.
252 4,57 API GW REST Min code changes: prv API GW to 2 VPC REST APIs. B)VPC interface endpt.
253 4,58 EBS storage IOPS Slow down if IOPS>20k: RDS, EBS gp3 SSD. C)Replace vol with Prov. IOPS SSD (io2) vol.
254 4,59 VPC subnet route VPC ACL:, pub app inst/ prv MySQL SSL. B)web Sgrp to DB Sgrp inbound: MySQL 3306, D) to web Sgrp inbound 443 & NACL deny
255 4,60 RDS migr app & DB Migr fast: DMS, sufficient band, 80k IOPS RDS MySQL. A)Disable RDS inst's Multi-AZ, B)new DMS inst that has a larger inst size.
256 4,61 WAF attacks Block botnets: fraudulent pub API requests. B)Integrate λ fct logic to ignore fraudulent IP adr, C)WAF targets malicious requests & trigger filter actions.
257 4,62 CF glb website/DNS Glb site: content based user devices A)CF cache multiple vers, C)Lambda@Edge fct user-Agent header: spec. objects.
258 4,63 Athena analytic query Unstable 1-time query: Athena & batched/h S3 PB bkt. B)S3 data partition date & region, E)Glue ETL convert .csv to Parquet.
259 4,64 CtrTower connect onprem Prv VPC: onprem w/o internet to ap-northeast-3. A)CtrTower guardrails deny internet & region access, C)Org SCPS prevent VPC internet & deny region access.
260 4,65 RDS Scale ASG AS unpredict. growth: RDS Oracle inst PL/SQL fct. A)AS fo RDS Oracle storage, D)ASG with average CPU scaling metric.
261 5,01 EFS Storage Resil. ACID: storage app replace EBS. C)ALB w ASGs across multi AZs, & data to EFS mount target= each inst.
262 5,02 EFS user shared access Individual access: HP ML, concur. Fargate storage. C)EFS file share with IAM role to Fargate.
263 5,03 Storage GW onprem Backup Onprem backup: NFS file backup, fast access. D)script: copy data to Storage GW file virt appliance/ NOT onprem NFS share.
264 5,04 RDS migr app & DB Migr app: replace DB, fast MS SQL copy. D)RDS SQL server Multi-AZ & RR, & restore RDS snapshot for test DB.
265 5,05 S3 Encrypt rest&in-transit Encrypt least effort: CF origin S3 objects. B)S3 bkt default encrypt, inventory list of unencrypt objects for S3 Batch copy cmd to encrypt.
266 5,06 RDS DR DR RPO<3h, RTO<2h: RDS Oracle Multi-AZ, 2 regions. A)DR promote RR to master in us-west-2.
267 5,07 EC2 AS HA AZ Cost: min. 4 insts SLA. C)Min. 6 ASG insts on 3 AZ.
268 5,08 EC2 AS Scale ASG App timeouts: ASG 1Min booting insts. C)AS step scaling & inst warmup.
269 5,09 EFS Storage Store high freq: concurrent 10MB ECS tasks. B)EFS prov throughput mode.
270 5,10 Lambda up/download Cost: S3 upload & extract metadata <5s B)S3 object event to λ fct extract metadata.
271 5,11 S3 IAM plcy IAM plcy: least-privilege S3 object delete. D)Allow: S3:DeleteObject, Res.:bktname/*.
272 5,12 CF static/dyn Cost: US/EU/CA users of CF static S3. C)CF price class restrict to only served countries.
273 5,13 VPC subnet route Pub Sgrp to prv: ELB 433 to prv MySQL & web. C)Sgrp ELB port 443, & web Sgrp to port 3306 Sgrp MySQL.
274 5,14 MQ HA AZ HA: simple app inst, ActiveMQ msg to RDS MySQL. D)MQ active/standby brokers on ASG insts in 2 AZ,& Multi-AZ RDS MySQL.
275 5,15 S3 LC cost & retention Ovhead S3 LC: vary image lifes, no retrieve cost/ delay. A)S3 Intelligent-Tiering.
276 5,16 Athena analytics Cost: mthly analytics of 200GB in S3. B)Glue data cat. with S3 Athena query & QuickSight.
277 5,17 RDS Encrypt replica Encrypt continuous: RDS Multi-AZ, snapshot. A)encrypt latest DB snapshot copy, & restore encrypt snapshot to replace DB.
278 5,18 ALB glb website/DNS Migr path-based website: DX to onprem servers. C)ALB path-based routing to target group with correct servers.
279 5,19 SQS Decouple Cost, util: infreq multiple inst apps to S3 archive. D)redesign app: event-driven with SQS que to Lambda.
280 5,20 ResGrp Audit&Tag Fast ident: `app` tag & value. D)query with AWS Resource Groups Tag Editor & report resources on tag.
281 5,21 EC2 AS Optim CPU util CPU util & costs: known biz/night load. D)1 week observing CPU util when desired inst=50%, & create dyn scaling with it.
282 5,22 VPC connect NAT Cost: replace DynamoDB's NAT inst. A)VPC GW endpt direct to DynamoDB.
283 5,23 ECS Storage Ovhead: Docker app 50GB f-storage. C)ECS Fargate type cluster & svc with container image as task definition & EFS vol.
284 5,24 SQS data process Ovhead, fast storage: vary S3 upload, transfer JSON. C)S3 bkt event to SQS que λ fct to process JSON to DynamoDB.
285 5,25 DX migr large/ fast Fast migr: 200TB SAN via 500 MB/s to S3. D)10 GB/s DX migr initial 200TB to S3 with file sync app, sync data changes until SAN decommissioned.
286 5,26 KDF Stream NR/T encrypt, Ovhead: analysis, central Parquet storage. D)KDF stream to S3 with KDA.
287 5,27 Org Org FullAccess SCP plcy: OU create S3 bkt in 1 region. B)SCP with 'Deny string not like us-east-2'.
288 5,28 Aurora request No coding: non-response sharp writes, 2-tier/ RDS MySQL. D)migr to Aurora Serverless with max cap units (ACUs) for traffic increases.
289 5,29 SQS request Slow R/T API writes: min RDS connects & loss. C)API to SQS que & invokes λ fct writes to DB.
290 5,30 Glue f-convert/format Ovhead: no bandwidth migr & transfer 50TB/wk. C)Copy to Snowball Edge Storage optim device with Glue custom transform job.
291 5,31 Transcribe f-extract PII remove: S3 voice based txt record. C)S3 bkt audio file upload & invoke λ fct for Transcribe job to remove PII & store in other S3 bkt.
292 5,32 R53 DR DR RTO/RPO 30min: ALB, inst app & Aurora. A)Required infra region2, & R53 active-passive failover, Aurora replica region 2.
293 5,33 Redshift Compliance Audit record DB: 7day, predict. read&write, RPO<5h. C)Redshift concur. scaling, audit logging, 4h DB snapshots.
294 5,34 API GW User authent.& AD Subscribers control & Ovhead: API GW. D)API usage plan & access keys to limit non-subscription user.
295 5,35 API GW static/dyn Ovhead, ms latency: 1-deal-a-day website. D)CF static S3 bkt origin, & parallel API GW to λ fcts to DynamoDB.
296 5,36 Lambda IAM plcy IAM plcy: least priviledge λ fct access DynamoDB table. A)Allow DynamoDB:PutItem,:UpdateItem,:DeleteItem, Res.:DynamoDB:table/books.
297 5,37 DMS HA AZ HA, Ovhead: eventual consist., 1AZ NoSQL DB. D)modify ASG to EC2 insts across 3 AZs, &DMS migr embedded NoSQL DB to DynamoDB.
298 5,38 CF glb website/DNS Perf: remove CF cache & S3 website content. B)S3 bkt content delete & invalidate CF file path to clear cache.
299 5,39 KDF analytics Ovhead: NR/T analytic app process. D)KDF ingestion, transform with Lambda, & write to ES.
300 5,40 Aurora Inst node Ovhead, timeout: app’s λ fct access Aurora. D)RDS Proxy, cluster as target DB, λ fcts to connect to proxy, not cluster.
301 5,41 Transit GW connect onprem Connect onprem: via 600 MB/s to 2 intercomm VPC/region. D)Transit GW & 2 attached VPCs, VPN tunnel to transit GW.
302 5,42 ALB subnet route ALB to prv app insts. D)pub subnets in each AZ with ALB & pub subnet route tables to prv subnets.
303 5,43 Secrets Mgr Encrypt key & cred Creds & Ovhead: mthly rotate, RDS multi-region maint. A)multi-region secret replication in Secrets Mngr with & sched regional rotation.
304 5,44 Config moni Unauth changes: moni config of S3 bkt. A)Config with appropriate rules.
305 5,45 RDS Inst Cost: mthly test RDS MySQL inst, no compute impact. C)snapshot after tests, terminate DB inst & restore snapshot when required.
306 5,46 ALB HTTP/S Separation: website HTTPS requests. C)ALB Listener rule to redirect HTTP to HTTPS.
307 5,47 FSx migr f-sys Migr, no changes, Ovhead: fast 5TB VPN & Windows f-sys. D)FSx Windows on AWS, onprem load & files to FSx File GW onprem.
308 5,48 S3 LC cost & retention Cost: critical, immediate S3 retrieve, IA <30d, delete >4y. C)S3 bkt LC>30d to S3 Standard-IA, delete files >4y.
309 5,49 DataSync onprem f-share Secure transfer: onprem SAN JSON, NR/T to S3. B)DataSync over DX.
310 5,50 S3 Transfer cost Transfer cost: EU firm access US S3 bkt data. A)Requester Pays.
311 5,51 WAF attacks Protect, least effect: SQL inject, API GW script attacks. A)WAF in 2 regions with regional web ACLs & API stage.
312 5,52 RDS connect Least change: timeout, high CPU util/ open Aurora connect. B)RDS Proxy for DB, modify λ fct for RDS Proxy & not DB endpt.
313 5,53 SQS monolith No inter-comm: ECS replaces monolith. B)SNS topic, data producer’s code, notifications to topic & data consumers subscribed to topic.
314 5,54 EC2 Failover Auto-failover & HA: EC2 DB inst app. A)Launch 2 insts in diff AZ, same region with DB in cluster & replication.
315 5,55 SQS msg Failed order: auto-reprocess RDS requests. C)ASG insts with order sys sending msgs to SQS que & insts to consume msgs.
316 5,56 CF up/download Cost-eff & resil: upload infreq SFTP to CF. C)CF with OAI to prv S3 bkt & website content upload via AWS CLI.
317 5,57 EC2 AS Scale ASG Cost-eff scale up: ALB-ASG app insts, biz/night 2/20. A)Sched action with desired cap= 20, shortly before office opens.
318 5,58 Aurora DB query,reads Latency, min changes: 3-tier, PostgreSQL query S3 reports. B)Aurora PostgreSQL DB cluster & Replica with queries for reports.
319 5,59 Storage GW onprem f-share Ovhead: store CSV in NR/T network share, daily reports. B)S3 File GW, biz sys with S3 File GW network share.
320 5,60 DynamoDB NR/T data process NR/T scale app: persistent S3 data. A)DynamoDB trigger λ fct parse payload/data to S3, B)SQS que to trigger λ fct parse payload/writes to S3.
321 5,61 Config Audit&Tag Safeguard CT: for comply audit. A)CT log file validation, E)Config rule monitor CT config on SSE-KMS.
322 5,62 Org User authent.& AD Central Dir svc: move from single to Multi-acc archi. A)Org with all features & new accs, E)Org SSO connect to corporate dir svc.
323 5,63 VPC internet access Prv VPC route: config prv λ fct & DynamoDB. A)VPC endpt allows write to spec. DynamoDB tables, D)Lambda execution role access VPC endpt GW.
324 5,64 LFN analytic query Ovhead 1-time query: BI & KPI, central sensor stream. A)Athena 1-time query & QuickSight KPI, E)LFN blueprints for data lake ident, Glue crawl to S3 in Parquet.
325 5,65 SQS Encrypt rest&in-transit Encrypt & author: at rest/in-transit SQS/SNS. B)SNS customer managed key & its plcy, D)SQS with customer managed key plcy: principals, only TLS.
326 6,01 S3 IAM plcy IAM plcy: access to 2x S3 named bkts. A)Allow s3:ListBucket, Res:s3:bkt1; Allow s3:GetObject, PutObject, Res:s3:bkt1/*; Deny s3:*,Res: s3:bkt2, s3:bkt2/*.
327 6,02 FSx onprem Backup Least effort backup: min 1wk, SMB server. A)FSx Windows file shares & desired backup storage.
328 6,03 EFS onprem f-share HA analytics store: onprem & multi AZ insts. D)EFS to onprem servers, & copy files to EFS.
329 6,04 EC2 AS HA AZ HA 3-tier app: 3AZ, experienced load metric. D)EC2 ASG target tracking & ALB.
330 6,05 S3 HA AZ HA 99% , cost: S3 static website. A)deploy app to S3 bkt & vers disabled in 1 region.
331 6,06 EC2 AS Scale ASG Cost: overnight S3 shelve images, ALB inst workers. D)SQS msg with images on scale-in protected Spot insts, ASG with dyn. scaling & CW que msg metric.
332 6,07 VPC connect Cost-eff connect: 2 intercomm VPC in 1 region/acc. C)VPC peering between VPCs, & update route tables for peering.
333 6,08 Redshift f-convert/format Cost: join S3 csv eff with Redshift reports. A)Redshift Spectrum: S3 bkt query & join data in Redshift, &QuickSight visualizations.
334 6,09 Aurora DR DR RTO=15Min: failover to 2nd region, Aurora MySQL. D)Aurora glb DB cluster in region1, &EventBridge rule to λ fct promote cluster2.
335 6,10 KDS Stream Cost-eff NR/T Clickstream. D)KDF, E)KDA query.
336 6,11 ElastiCache request Slow game: mobile read/write peak, growth of RDS. D)Modify game with Redis ElastiCache before DB inst.
337 6,12 DocDB migr app & DB Migr, no changes, Ovhead: K8 & MongoDB. D)EKS Fargate for compute & DocumentDB with MongoDB compatibility.
338 6,13 Billing Billing Ovhead: view project expenses. D)Billing cost allocaction tags & reports on it.
339 6,14 VPC IP access Ovhead: expand IP adr space, CIDR block. B)secondary CIDR block of to VPC.
340 6,15 DynamoDB user shared access Secure: 3-tier inst access prv DynamoDB, hide API creds. B)app insts with inst profile including IAM role for read & write on DynamoDB tables.
341 6,16 S3 up/download Fast & simple: glb transfer to S3 bkt. A)destination bkt S3TA, &multipart uploads.
342 6,17 EFS Storage Store mounted ECS: to EC2 across AZs, 3GB/s burst. B)ECS task definitions mount EFS vol at launch.
343 6,18 DX connect Dedicated connect: 2 regions 4GB/s. C)1DX GW & 1x 4GB/s DX partner hosted connection, associated with DX GW.
344 6,19 EMR Inst node Cost-eff migr: intra-day on-demand ETL Hadoop to EMR. A) zonal res. insts for master & core nodes, use Spot Fleet for the task nodes.
345 6,20 ECS Encrypt rest&in-transit IAM role security: ECS app, ALB & EFS. A)Decompose ECS IAM inst role & use only ECS task roles, B)EFS in transit encrypt.
346 6,21 FSx migr large/ fast HPC access: Snowball Edge, sub-mil/ high-throughput. B)S3 bkt import via FSx Lustre f-sys to access HPC cluster inst.
347 6,22 Aurora Encrypt key & cred Custom mngd key: share Aurora backup. B)DB snapshot & add acquiring company's acc to KMS key plcy, Share snapshot with acquiring company's acc.
348 6,23 EKS Encrypt rest&in-transit Encrypt at rest & Ovhead: EKS & EBS KMS-CMK. B)CMK encrypt of EBS vols in EKS cluster, D)IAM role perm to CMK & associate with EKS cluster.
349 6,24 SQS msg Ovhead: SQS dubl. emails. C)Increase SQS visibility timeout> timeout of total fct + batch window.
350 6,25 Lambda data process Persistent data: λ fct, API GW & Aurora. A)λ fct split in 2, &fct 1 receives API GW & sends to SQS, SQS item to fct 2 to Aurora.
351 6,26 ElastiCache request Slow read/query: ASG app, RDS PostgreSQL inst. B)read traffic to RR for RDS inst, D)app to cache queries in ElastiCache.
352 6,27 Glue f-convert/format Low dev: covert S3 csv to Parquet. B)Glue crawler, & ETL job for csv convert to Parquet to S3.
353 6,28 AppFlow data process Ovhead, slow multi source: (SaaS) app to S3 bkt. B)AppFlow flow transfers SaaS source to S3 bkt, & S3 upload events to SNS topic.
354 6,29 EventBridge moni Min Ovhead alert: inst CreateImage API. C) EventBridge rule for CreateImage API call with SNS topic alert when a Createlmage API call is detected.
355 6,30 S3 Compliance Control change: & delete of S3 object. D)S3 Object Lock legal hold & vers with s3:PutObjectLegalHold perm to user’s IAM plcys to delete objects.
356 6,31 EFS Storage Improve file visibility: only 1 doc subset. C)EBS vol copies to EFS & changed app saves docs to EFS.
357 6,32 SQS data process Stateless & durable: auto-process S3 images. A)image upload S3 bkt to SQS que, B)SQS que invocate to λ fct & delete msg after.
358 6,33 Config Audit&Tag Min eff auto-check: Redshift cluster tags. A)Config rules to define & detect non properly tagged resources.
359 6,34 FSx onprem f-share Durable, HA storage: 2 Windows file shares/inst. C)Migr to FSx Windows & extend file share to FSx Windows with Multi-AZ.
360 6,35 VPC subnet route VPC Sgrp: DB subnet access. C)Sgrp allows inbound traffic from Sgrp that is assigned to insts in the prv subnets & attach Sgrp to DB insts.
361 6,36 Rekognition Compliance Min dev image share: w/o inapprop. content. B)Rekognition detects inappropriate content, human review of low-confidence predicts.
362 6,37 KDF Stream Daily glb clickstream: 30TB to platform. D)KDS collect with KDF transmit to S3 data lake & load to Redshift analysis.
363 6,38 Secrets Mgr Encrypt key & cred Creds & Ovhead: : auto rotated, inst app & RDS. C)EC2 role access to DB creds in Secrets Mngr with auto rotation.
364 6,39 VPC up/download Cost: photo up/download, same S3 bkt region. D)S3 VPC GW endpt to VPC & endpt access plcy to S3 bkts.
365 6,40 Aurora DB query,reads Slow transfer: no interrupt, app prod to staging MySQL. B)Aurora MySQL, prod: Multi-AZ RR & staging: cloning DB on-demand.
366 6,41 CF static/dyn Ovhead, scalable: quarterly patched static website. A)CF for website with HTTPS, D)static S3 website.
367 6,42 EC2 Inst Cost-eff insts: unpredict. & interrupt. Fargate/ Lambda. A)Spot insts for data ingestion layer, C)1y Compute Savings Plan front end & API layer.
368 6,43 RDS migr app & DB Min data loss: 2 node transaction to MySQL DB. B)Multi-AZ RDS MySQL DB inst with sync replication.
369 6,44 DynamoDB LC cost & retention Cost, dev eff: data <30d in DynamoDB. D)app attribute= current timestamp + 30d= DynamoDB TTL.
370 6,45 EC2 AS msg Slow-down on growth: app1 & SQS msg, app2 invites. D)invitation app with ASG to scale on SQS que depth.
371 6,46 CW NR/T data process Serverless NR/T: report AS events to dashboard & S3. A)CW metric streams EC2 AS status data to KDF & store in S3.
372 6,47 Glb Accelerator glb website/DNS Expand: HA & latency to 2nd ALB region. C)ALB insts in region2 & glb Accelerator endpt group with 2 region load balancer endpts.
373 6,48 KDS NR/T data process Eff iOT R/T preserve: event data. A)KDS R/T events with equip. partition, & KDF to S3.
374 6,49 Aurora DB query,reads Unequal query: EU app R53 geoprox. to US MySQL DB. D)migr to Aurora MySQL glb DB compatability mode & RRs in 1 EU region.
375 6,50 AD User authent.& AD Secure archi & Ovhead: AD & app on same inst. A)Uninstall current AD & change Directory svc to mngd AD.
376 6,51 SQS static/dyn Decouple, scalability: static front, RDS backend. D)Static S3 front-end; requests to API GW, SQS & backend ASG insts, que depth scaled to RDS.
377 6,52 Shield attacks Prevent attacks: new common vulnerables, ALB app inst. B)appropriate managed rule for AWS WAF & associate it with ALB.
378 6,53 RDS DB query,reads Latency, min changes: read overload of single RDS MySQL. A)RDS RR with read-only to RR endpts, RDS Multi-AZ.
379 6,54 IAM IAM plcy Interpret IAM plcy 1&2 actions. C)delete EC2 insts Allow IAM:Get*,IAM:List*,KMS:List*,ds:*,ec2:*,logs:Get*; Res.:*; &Deny ds.delete*, Res.:*.
380 6,55 EC2 AS response Response time SLA: I/O-intense SQS msgs. D)inst based AMI launch in ASG tracking on oldest SQS msg.
381 6,56 DX connect onprem Secure, scalable: onprem to shareless S3 VPC, 1region. A)DX & VPN connection for each VPC to connect back to the data center.
382 6,57 ECS Scale container Scale, no infra change: min maint, container app. A)ECS cluster, D)ECS Fargate type with desired task=2.
383 6,58 FSx migr f-sys Migr, no changes: f-sys LINUX/ Windows apps, data dupl. D)Migr to inst: a)sim app to Linux, b)visual app to Windows, &FSx NetApp ONTAP for storage.
384 6,59 API GW static/dyn Cost: dyn contact S3 static website B)API GW endpt with Lambda backend call to SES.
385 6,60 CF User authent.& AD User access, min change: CF coded URL to S3 videos. A)signed cookies, B)signed URLs.
386 6,61 S3 Encrypt rest&in-transit Encrypt: all S3 uploaded objects. D)bkt plcy deny: PutObject w/o x-amz-server-side-encryption header set.
387 6,62 EBS Scale ASG Initial latency: sharp rise, ASG-AMI. B)EBS FSR provision new AMI & replace AMI in ASG.
388 6,63 Batch Inst Ovhead: sched 1h tasks on 1 inst scalability. A)AWS Batch to run scheduled job tasks with EventBridge.
389 6,64 ECS Optim CPU util Const. CPU util: simple 1h job ops of S3 records. C)ECS Fargate type & sched. EventBridge event for ECS task to run job.
390 6,65 Glb Accelerator Failover Latency, region failover: glb UDP, N-stored response. B)glb Accelerator, 2 NLB/2 regions as endpt, Fargate ECS cluster svc cluster = NLB target.
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